Thursday, 3 October 2013

Rangers' Photo Hunt

In our second meeting of rangers this year, we didn't know what we would be doing, we were just told to bring a torch and a camera phone and to meet on Sea Road.  Assuming that we were going to be left with just a map and compass and told to walk to Bexhill or somewhere, we made our way through the wind and rain to the seafront. When we got there we were put into two teams, one group of 3 and one group of 4.  We were given a set of 27 photos of various different things along the promenade from the Azur to the Scout hut and told to take a photo of them when we found them.  The photos ranged from obvious brightly coloured beach huts to sections of walls and hidden Banksy paintings.  The challenge was to see which group could recreate the most photos in an hour and a half.

Being the one person who had forgotten a torch, wasn't wearing a coat in the pouring rain and had agreed to take the photos, this was quite a challenge for me. Our group started off near the scout hut, in almost pitch black darkness. We found some of the photos quite easily but searched a long time for other ones.  It was a fun activity, especially in the dark, and we would definitely do it again in different places.  Overall our group won with 17 photos. 

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